
‘Epi’ means ‘above’. Epigenetics are biological markers that sit above your DNA/genetic material in every cell in your body. They are like threads, that connect your diet and lifestyle habits with risk of disease by dictating which genes are turned on or ‘expressed’ and which ones are turned off. 

If you fear that you are in for the same fate as your parents or grandparents then that doesn’t have to be the case. Genetics are not our destiny and we can change our genetic expression using dietary and lifestyle practices. Your genes load the gun but your environment pulls the trigger, meaning that your daily behaviours and choices control your health more than anything else.

Nutrigenetics highlights our individuality which can change our nutrition goals

Epigenetic Testing - changing the future of health and medicine.

Epigenetic testing provides the most personalised information about you. It is the forefront of personal care and wellness and is supportive of longevity.

What are epigenetics?

‘Epi’ means ‘above’. Epigenetics are biological markers that sit above your DNA/genetic material in every cell in your body. They are like threads, that connect your diet and lifestyle habits with risk of disease by dictating which genes are turned on or ‘expressed’ and which ones are turned off. 

Why would you want to test?

By actioning epigenetic information you can support and promote the very best outcome in your health.  You can take a proactive approach in mitigating potential health risks and disease. This is a unique approach, personalised nutrition at its best, allowing you to connect more deeply with your body, promoting homeostasis and rebalance.

All test results are displayed in easy to read reports (PDF) which contain personal genetic information about you in a safe and user friendly, colour coded display. They provide information about variations in your genetics that make you unique. These variations are called single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs).

SNPs can have significant a impact on your health and wellbeing. They can alter the expression of genes both positively and negatively. Most chronic diseases result in the interplay between common SNPs and dietary and lifestyle factors. This is why diet and lifestyle choices should be personalised to you, helping you strive to be your personal best. This offers a pre-emptive and proactive approach.

Test is a DNA cheek swab, swabs are provided to the lab anonymously and are destroyed after three months.


“Earlier this year I decided that I would benefit having a nutritionist to improve my wellbeing for now and the coming years ahead. I employed Teresa, TJ Nutrition and it has been a real education and enjoyable experience.

I’m definitely feeling the benefits of an improved diet that has been tailored to my health needs, also focused me on foods and recipes that taste great too. Teresa used her expertise to work out some of my biological weaknesses through conversation and blood test results, to help set a path to improve my gut health and diet.

For her to get deeper information of my circumstances Teresa suggested a Nutrigenetic DNA test, I had never been aware of this possibility, but it intrigued me enough to take one, to help both of us create a better understanding going forward.

I received a DNA kit in the post, I followed the simple instructions to take saliva from my mouth and posted back to the Lab. So easy.... The Lab came back with the results in a week or two in the form of comprehensive reports, just amazing to find out information you would never know.

Teresa recommended that I do four reports, Nutrient Core, Detoxification, Histamine intolerance and Methylation. These reports gave me results that showed my strengths and weaknesses in my gene type. The information was an easy to follow traffic light system that explained why I have problems in areas of my health as a result of my weak genes, but equally gave information how to improve my diet to make up for these weaknesses.

The follow up consultation with Teresa to fully interpret and give supportive diet information was so invaluable to this experience and for preventive actions going forward. A DNA test I think is great value for anyone wanting to understand and improve their diet to help their long term health and wellbeing. This has been so enlightening and makes you think differently about your diet choices.”


If you want to find out about your own Epigenetics and understand your body on a whole new level, then contact me to enquire about safe, easily interpretable genetic testing, with focus on:

  • The potential for nutrient, dietary and lifestyle changes to maximise health benefits and longevity

  • Preventative nutrition

  • Reducing disease risk