Nutrition, Health & Longevity
Specialising in the over 40’s
Some of our most simple, everyday habits have immense opportunity to impact the way we age.
Over time, having invested in our careers, families; often raising children or caring for loved ones, eating and drinking what and when we like, we are often surprised when something halts us and we sense the feeling that somethings not quite right.
Occasionally a diagnoses is made that may stop us in our tracts or we could just be feeling off colour; unmotivated, lack of energy, lethargy or struggling with symptoms like; disturbed sleep, hot flashes, digestive issues, constipation, weight issues, to name but a few.
Nutritional therapy support for the over 40’s - what can I offer you?
Time - I invest the time with my clients and guide them into achieving their very best outcome in health and wellbeing in the present and into the future
Credibility - My approach to nutritional therapy is based around the Functional Medicine model which is a client-centred and science-based approach. My nutritional health programmes start by looking for the root cause of clients’ symptoms. Ignoring these is similar to sticking a plaster over a wound that requires stitches.
Many dietary recommendations as well as weight loss programmes ignore
the root causes therefore not addressing an individual’s underlying health concerns.
Research informed practice - I consistently immerse myself in the most recent research which I use to promote health, vitality and longevity. When necessary, I offer advise on functional laboratory, allergy and epigenetic testing, should we require a deeper understanding. There is so much exciting new science in all areas that we can turn back signs of ageing leading to more youthful years ahead.
Eating a longevity-promoting diet; tapping into good environmental and lifestyle practices will support you with this.
The whole body - I support all of the systems in the body as a whole. In doing so, energy production is optimised from a cellular level which stimulates the bodies natural resilience. That includes creating a stronger immune system. This approach creates resilience around viruses and supports the avoidance of diseases associated with ageing.
Genetics - If you fear you you are in for the same fate as your parents or grandparents then that doesn’t have to be the case. Genetics are not our destiny and we can change our genetic expression using healthy dietary and lifestyle practices. Your genes load the gun but your environment pulls the trigger meaning that your daily behaviours control your health more than anything else.
“Engaging Teresa to help me with two life-long ailments has not only made me healthier but has also made it easier for me to see why and how to make many changes (in respect of nutrition, exercise, sleep, daily routines and limiting the impact of stress) that will keep me healthier for longer”